
New Blogs to Follow

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Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

In the past I have been quietly adding blogs to The Art Education 2.0 Blog Roll as they're posted at Art Ed 2.0, but there are really just too many good ones out there to go unnoticed. If you haven't checked them out, take a few moments to peruse the astounding variety of approaches and issues covered by all of the art teaching bloggers out there. In the future, I'll be sure to highlight new art education blogs here as well. Today I just added the following blogs:

Art Seen: Written by my friend and colleague Kate Thrornburn about her high school classes here at our other campus of the Shanghai American School. Her kids do amazing work.

Artistik: A new blog from a teacher in Barbados, and a space for art teachers to interact.

The Mac Lab: A blog for digital 2D and 3D art. I have to say that I was just floored by the level of work done by students here. In addition to the student work, teacher Michael Skocko treats us to some video tutorials as well- and according to his about page, he sleeps less than I do.

Ryan Ferdinand: A personal blog from an art teacher/artist with both teaching reflections and beautiful photography.

Teacher Identity and Collaborative Projects: ...as it specifically relates to digital media from a teacher who is in the final stages of her M.Ed. in Art Education in Western Canada.

Art: A blog that is "primarily aimed at primary (elementary) and middle years teachers of the future. Intent is to share exciting resources, links and other sites which address the importance and possibilities for/of the Arts in the 21st century".


  1. Mike Skocko said...
    Thanks for the kind words, David. You do know that you've put me into that rss comic with this resource of yours and all the new links, right? Overfed indeed. (But loving it.)

    I enjoyed the other links but two little nattering naybobs... Artistik is a 404 as is the s in Teacher Identity and Collaborative Projects. Both can be whittled down to get to the right place and I got there but just thought you'd want to know.

    Now I better get back to Mother's Day preparations before my wife wakes!
    dsgran said...
    Thanks for the heads up Mike! I guess I've gotten a bit lazy about checking my links. Glad you liked the comic- glad I'm not the only one being overfed. ;)

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