
Prepping the Pod

Well I've got a half written post about games and art ed, and a half written post about video on the web, but this week has been so hectic that the blog has found a nice comfortable position to curl up in the back seat. I'll get back to those posts later, but as I'm beefing up my ipod podcasts for the long flight home, I noticed that there are a ton of podcasts that museums are offering as audio tours. Its a nice find for the end of the year, and kinda neat because my very first post here at the Revolution (besides the obligatory 'hello and welcome') was about creating podcast audio tours for the MoMA in New York.

I can't link to the iTunes store here, but if you open up your iTunes, there's a tab for "museums" under the "Topics in Focus" section. Find your local museum and download some audio content for your kids' ipods.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...

    There are also a ton of museums and educational institutions posting audio and video in the iTunesU section; go to the iTunes Store and you'll see a link on the left for iTunesU. Once inside, you can find a link for "Beyond Campus" on the left (about halfway down) which will show you a listing of museums. The best part is that iTunes, podcasts, and iTunesU are all incorporated in iTunes search results.



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