
Roll Up Bad Art

Just before I started this blog (back in the early days of 2005), I had found a really great website in which an artist had re-appropriated thrift-store, sofa art, starving artist paintings by adding all kinds of strange monsters and creatures into the landscape.   Finding and losing pages like that was the prime motivation for me starting this blog.   

I never found the page again, but here's something similar- loudxmouse takes similar type paintings and adds in a giant Katamari.  

I'm such a sucker for geeky art.


  1. Artsology said...
    That's great - I like the reflection in the water - nice touch. It reminds me of something I did in college: the professor asked us to paint a landscape, so I went to one of those cheesy shops in NYC and bought one for $10 and added my own touch to it.
    dsgran said...
    That's great! This is a project I've always wanted to do with students- take them to a thrift shop, have them pick out some ghastly artwork. And re-appropriate it, through transforming its meanign. No thrift shops in China though, and you'd have to find a place with enough bad art for a whole class.
    Patricia said...
    I enjoyed this posting and think that it is a critical part of art education. However I noticed on David Harter's students piece that no photo credits were given for the marine images. It is so important to respect the rights of photographers and other artists.

    I think that if you read this blog and share it with him you will understand what I mean.

    I know that we worked hard to try and help our high school students understand that using other people's images without permission or credit was plagiarism. Now I am having a devil of a time trying to get my college students to stop their habit of taking images from Flicker!
    dsgran said...
    Hi Patricia,
    I think those are excellent points, and I agree entirely. Thats why I should point out that the video that you're referring to (the one in the post above i believe)- used images that Flickr users put in the creative commons, AND we did give credit to them. True that we did not credit them in the video itself, but they are credited on the YouTube page. If you click on the youtube page, you'll see that not only are all the flickr users' were credited, but the information provided is also sourced. Here is what you'll find on that page:

    San Francisco Chronicle
    Overfishing, Pollution Threaten World's Ocean
    Thursday, November 2, 2006
    David Perlman


    This video was created using photographs made available under the Creative Commons share alike license on Flickr. These photographs were taken by flickr users:

    world resources institute staff
    Erwin Kodiat
    Boogies with Fish
    richard ling
    Aki Jinn
    jon hanson
    Bill Liao
    whitecat singapore
    CW Ye
    Xave Ignacio

    Thanks for raising this point though, it is important that we are vigilant about having the students respect the rights of other artists.
    dsgran said...
    Also- those were my Students- it was posted by Dennis Harter on the GIN site, which is why that might be confusing. AND i should mention, due to YouTube's format, you need to click the "more info" button to get all the information I posted above.

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