Its parent teacher night and I was just scaring the bejeebus out of a bunch of folks by telling that what I expect from their children this year is that they come to my class and fail.
Ok, then I explain that no, I don't expect (or want) them to fail my class. What I want is that they take risks and really put themselves out there. My photography students know that a National Geographic Nat Geo photographer will take 60,000+ photographs in one week in order to get the 4 or 5 good ones that end up in the magazine. I'm more interested in what they discover by botching something than what they give me that they think I'm looking for.
Its funny that on my little break period here, I just come across this video. Where were you 15 minutes ago, little clip? Ah well, at least it will still be here for the students tomorrow.
Tags: Musings
will pass it along to my school's staff.
btw, out of curiosity, how many art lessons a week do your students in MS/HS have?
Not sure about the MS- i want to say that they have it once a week for 2/3 of the year. I'll get back to you on that. It just changed we've gone from one MS art teacher to 2 this year.
It makes me wonder how I could create a lesson where the objective is to fail in such great ways... ;)