
Tape Sculpture Project

Our students just finished up our first project in foundations art- this is traditionally a class that uses traditional art making materials. However, we've been wanting to shake things up for a while here at SAS, and with our new facilities and new spaces, this seemed like just as good a time as ever. This project was based on some of the work of Mark Jenkins (warning: creepy baby alert), and executed with instruction from his helpful tape sculpture website.

After experimenting with creating forms in packing tape, the students were asked to create a hybrid form combining parts formed from their bodies with other forms that they'd find and create.  Finally, they wrote a myth explaining the origin or significance of their transformed figure.

This ended up being a great introductory project to our class- it had the student collaborating on large scale projects in which they were up and actively moving around the room. After the bodies of the sculptures were finished, we added some LED lights for a night installation exhibition. This was inspired by some of the other projects we'd seen online (as well as some other projects that we've worked on in the past).

The addition of the lights created a beautiful courtyard constellation depicting the epic heroes of our students' imaginations. 



1 Comment:

  1. Miss said...
    This is a cool project- I've always wanted to try it, but have assumed it's quite expensive with the amount of tape you need to buy. Do you remember approximately how much this cost you or how many rolls per student?

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