
Hmmm.... Pinteresting...

Although I found Pinterest a while ago, I've really only started using it more significantly in helping organize some ideas and images.  If you're not familiar, basically Pinterest allows you to organize your favorite images by 'pinning' them to different boards that you create.  Not only is this a great way to organize images for your classes, but its a great bookmarking tool for us visual learners as well.  I've found a number of different uses.  Specifically, if you scroll down some of the boards that I've created, you'll find a few that are relevant to my classes.   For example, I've created boards to inspire my IB Art students to imagine new ways of approaching their Independent Workbooks, and even a base to start to seek out their own project ideas.  You'll also notice quite a few boards dedicated to the Operational Techniques for Transformation that I suggest using for the Surrealistic Me project (still time to sign up, by the way).

Once you've gotten your invitation (although it is free, you have to request membership to the site), you'll want to also follow other art teachers who are pinning.  The Pinterest Group on Art Ed 2.0 is a great place to start!


  1. Amiria said...
    I am really enjoying Pinterest too... It has a lot of potential in terms of the viral aspect of sharing images. Particularly from an artist's perspective, it is really interesting seeing which images get 'liked' and 'repinned'. You get real time feedback about your own work and others which is really quite informative. It's fun!
    dsgran said...
    Agreed. I'm curious to see what happens when I have students select and post their own work. We're not quite there yet, but thinking about having my students do that towards the end of this year as they complete their first year of IB.

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