Ok, so the paper camera was too time consuming and you still feel like you're betraying kodak by hacking their disposable camera (even though that increases our unending amount of unnecessary waste). So how about making your own? Here's ehow to make your own Pinhole Camera!
Pinhole cameras are an essential component to any introductory photography course. Not only does it give students hands on experience with the mechanics of how the photographic process works, but there's also something immensly satisfying about printing a picture that came from a camera that is built by hand.
A while ago, I caught a piece on PBS's The Egg series about photographer Ralph Howell, who makes pinhole cameras out of everything, including: A Pineapple.
A Muffin Tin.
A Pasta Strainer.
...or you could integrate a ceramics lesson...
Regardless of how you make your camera, these exposure charts will come in very handy.
Here's a great lesson in pinhole photography and the camera obscura from the Wright Center's Innovative Curriculum Series (follow the link to download the entire lesson as a .pdf file); and here's a pinhole lesson for kids.
Finally, Pinhole Visions is an online pinhole camera magazine and resource.
Update: Jim Beecher from Silver Silicon writes in with the Ralph Howell page from the Egg. I didn't even think to look for it! Duh. Thanks Jim!
Tags: Photography
1 Comment:
- dsgran said...
7:44 PMI'd be happy to post your site, Jim. That's an amazing resource you've put together. Thanks for the heads up!