I promise that I have no intention of turning the Carrot Revolution into the "Rotoblog". However, I have to say that I'm pretty excited because I'd been wanting to do turn Rotoaball into a collaborative project since the last time I taught a video class two years ago.
We started work in class today, and I uploaded a few pictures to Flickr.
If your class is working on the Rotoball project, and you'd like to add some photos to our set, grab yourself a free Flickr account, and tag your photos rotoball2008. If you put your school name or location in the photo description, that can help us all see whats happening in our different locations around the world.
Finally, I'm glad to announce the addition of three more schools, Robinson Secondary School in Fairfax, Virginia. Lee Schools in Ft. Myers, Florida and Monarch High School in Coconut Creek, Florida. Welcome all to the game!
Tags: Animation, Collaborative, Rotoball2008, Rotoscoping, Video
I can see that I'll be pretty busy editing this all together come March!