My Summer Vacation. By David Gran. If you haven't guessed, I spent quite some time away from my computer this summer. Unplugging can be difficult, but its a beautiful place once you get there. This summer was less a vacation and more 'the Amaya Tour 2010' - in which we took our daughter all around the Northeast to meet friends and relatives. One of our stops was Martha's Vinyard. Almost every summer my family gets together on the island where we can relax and spend some time together. This is also our big chance to spend time with my cousin Hermine at her art gallery on Edgartown Road.
Maybe I'm a bit biased, but I just love her artwork, and would love for her to come and talk to my students about painting... if I could get her to leave the island... and maybe fly to China.
Now that we're back, posts around here might not come as frequently since 'blogging time' has largely been happily replaced with 'bedtime story time', but its a sacrifice that I'll happily make. I'll still make time to post about interesting sites and projects I've found, discuss pedagogical issues in the art room, and make the occasional rant.
Tags: Art History, Light Painting, Site News
- Leslie Gates said...
1:21 AMWe just had our own little budding artist and I can relate to the bedtime story taking over blogging time. I am looking forward to taking her to the Munch exhibit at the National Gallery this fall. I figure if I start her off with something dark and emotional her potential crying fit might appear as an appropriate response. :)- dsgran said...
5:57 AMCongrats Lesle! Wonderful news indeed. The Munch exhibit sounds great. Why not delve right into the deep dark reaches of the art world right from the start! I see a children's book in this idea ;)