
Loving Color Even More

I've mentioned before how much I love the ever cool Colour Lovers site for discovering and exploring color palates (and so has Rey Rey). I've just discovered that you can love their colors even more through creating your own patterns. Using shapes, shades and layers, you can create a pattern to which you can add any color palette, and allow others to as well. Above is one of my first attempts at a pattern. You can name the pattern (Carrot Revolution), and the colored pattern as well (Cezanne Green). If you've stumbled upon a color that hasn't found its own name on Color Lovers, you can name that too. What is even cooler about this though, is that you can then purchase the pattern as a print or on fabric! Hey fashion teachers & club advisors, hey soft sculpture enthusiasts- I'm talking to you!

Me? I'm thinking new sheets & pillows for the baby's room!


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