
3D Animated Gifs

As another follow up to my November School Arts article on GIF animation, I absolutely love these 'split depth' '3D' gifs.   The white bars seem to play with your perception of space and end up with a much more satisfying 3D experience than the wigglegrams.  There doesn't seem to be too many examples of these yet, but Reddit user L77 has listed this quick tutorial on a page dedicated to making these. You'll have to find a short clip of a film to start with.
  1. Open it in Photoshop, find the animation toolbar (Window - Animation)
  2. Click on first frame in animation window and find the active layer in layers toolbar
  3. Make a new, empty layer above active layer, draw the white lines in it.
  4. Copy the white lines layers above each frame (this could be a lot)
  5. With eraser tool remove white lines from parts where [front of image] overlaps them.
  6. Make sure that the right white lines layer is activated for each frame (the eye icon next to layer)
Have fun!


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