
This was an amazing year at the Shanghai Student Film Festival  - our headliners included the head of Dreamworks Asia, Olivier Staphylas,  Cinematographer Rainerio C. Yamson II, Finding Hillywood's Director Leah Washowski and Editor Todd Soliday, and producer Emmanuel Benbihy who offered our students an opportunity to work on their own student edition of Shanghai, I Love You.  Students whose films are selected will be able to work with professionals currently involved in the actual production.

Our Shanghai American School students also claimed many of the awards of the evening - including the following fantastic films.  Even the ones that weren't shown were fantastic. I couldn't be prouder of my students.

For some reason, I can't embed links from our festival's Tudou account, so here are some links to folow!

Best Narrative (Action/Sci-Fi):  Dissonant by Jason Lin, Madeline Chen, Billy Chen

Best Narrative (Dramedy): Benchmark by Derek Chan, Vivian Wang, and Joy Guo

Best Screenplay (Overall): Peter Cheung for “Rob_” 

Best Narrative (Horror): “1134” by Hasumi Tani, Winston Chan, Henry Koo, Lyndon Fan, and Mark Lau
Best Animation:
First Place:  “Cat and Penguin” by Mulan Fu and Vivian Wang
Third Place: “First Look- Unit 658” by Lyndon Fan 
Best Documentary: My Right Breast by Spencer Browne
Best Director (Overall): Jason Lin for  “Dissonant” 
Best Acting (Overall): Spencer Browne and Noah Browne for Jump
Best Acting (IB):  Titus Hartman for The Blind Date

Honorable Mentions:
“Lemonade” by Mickey Blatt
“Henry Spring” by Noah Browne


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